Vickie MacArthur

   Author, Spiritual Director,
   Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Cultivating Equanimity (1 Day Retreat)

A spiritual memoir of awakening to the universality of a Love beyond culture and religion, based on Vickie’s experience with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and his Buddhist community.

“In A Lotus on Fire, Vickie reveals the tender and devotional love that was ignited in one moment of awakening with Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, and how that love slowly expands to embrace the whole world.”

Vickie feels honored to be included in this beautiful compilation of stories about Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Her story “Thay in Disguise” reveals her journey from seeing Thay as a teacher outside herself to discovering the teacher within.

“These intimate encounters with the wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh will move you to joy and tears, sometimes all at once! Though this master teacher has passed on, his spirit continues through the living dharma in this beautiful book.”

Writer, Spiritual Director, Yoga & Meditation Teacher

I am a writer, spiritual director, and yoga teacher passionate about integrating embodied awareness, breath, and spirituality into everyday life. My debut book, A Lotus on Fire: How a Buddhist Monk Ignited My Heart, is a spiritual memoir that reveals how one moment of awakening with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh ignited my heart, sparking my passion for sharing inter-spiritual practices, and creating new kinds of spiritual communities, beyond the confines of religion.

As an inter-faith minister and spiritual director, I accompany people of all faiths on their spiritual journey, and am connected to a broad network of spiritual directors and faith communities across North America. Since 2001, I have been intentionally building sangha and community through my yoga studio, Spirit in Motion Yoga, creating a safe and peaceful space to explore the deep inner work of yoga and meditation. I teach the “art of slowing down and listening deeply” to ourselves, to each other, to our planet, and to the Great Mystery that holds us all. With an inter-spiritual heart that embraces the oneness of all spiritual traditions, I seek to build bridges of shared practice and understanding through my writing, teaching and retreats.

Vickie’s Writing

With the depth and variety of my teaching experience, my passion for creating community, and my ties to both traditional religion, and emerging spiritual communities, I hope my writing reaches out to those whose own experiences have yet to find representation in spiritual literature. As a progressive Canadian writer, I want to give a face and voice to the ordinary seeker, who is seeking depth and meaning beyond the walls of traditional religion. With my inter-spiritual heart that sees beyond the surface, I invite others into that intimate space of communion with the wisdom and knowledge at the heart of all the great spiritual traditions.

Spiritual Life Writing

Encouraged and supported by my editor and writing mentor, Susan L. Scott, I write in the emerging genre of Spiritual Life Writing, uncovering powerful, transformative stories that inspire change at all levels. This is integrative work that invites the whole self in: body, sensation, thoughts, feelings, memories, experience, both profane and sacred. All is welcome. Nothing is censored. Through SLW, we are all invited to be both storyteller and listener, shedding whatever judgments and fears make us hold our tongue, and cover our ears. In A Lotus on Fire, I reveal the vulnerability of a heart touched alive by a spiritual love that can ignite our hearts, reminding us of our shared connection to each other, to our planet, and to Spirit. This is the essence of Spiritual Life Writing, sharing personal stories that become collective stories for us all.

Contact for Book Readings and other Workshops and Events.